Janice is an experienced civil litigator and a member of EdMills LawFirm’s Dispute Resolution Team. Her areas of specialty include Family Law, Civil Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Employment Law and Succession Planning and Estates.
Janice has a wide range of experience across all aspects of Family Law including divorce and separation, nullity of marriages, dissolution of civil partnerships, matrimonial and relationship property disputes, pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements, financial support and incapacity.
She advises on matters involving children, including contact disputes following separation, applications to remove a child from the jurisdiction, child maintenance and other financial claims on behalf of children, adoption and other issues concerning the welfare of children. Janice is recognised for her discretion, her dynamic approach to complex family law disputes, and her ability to bring matters to a swift conclusion without lengthy litigation.
Janice’s depth of knowledge allows clients to achieve the best possible outcome through negotiation, alternative dispute resolution or litigation. Janice also serves as a private mediator for civil and family matters.
Janice is pragmatic and passionate about the work she undertakes. She is known for developing and maintaining a good relationship with her clients, recognising that each matter is unique. Janice’s clients enjoy vigorous representation and resilient support in and out of Court enhanced by her experience, empathy and sound practical advice.
Janice is a member of the Cayman Islands Legal Practitioners Association.